Mariaelena Samperi Maison

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“The sartorial tradition inherited from her family, handed down to her the secret language of clothes.”

Mariaelena grew up, in her Rome, breathing creativity, love for beauty and crafts. The afternoons spent on the veranda with grandma Elena, who had no limits in creating beautiful garments with any type of fabric. The time spent with her Aunt Ida, a wise embroiderer, and the air breathed in at home, furnished by her mother Marina; a colorful home enriched by hundreds of paintings and sculptures.

The stylistic adventure began in the family wardrobes, a magical casket, a source of inspiration where forgotten clothes have found a voice, reinterpreted by creative suggestions.

The common thread is the love of women for women; each garment has a story to tell, a heritage to safeguard and a future to explore.

“Everything is subject to change”. This is the belief that Mariaelena proclaims proud.

Objects in general can have a second chance of use, take on new shapes, intriguing and mysterious.

Sprightly and watchful eyes those of Mariaelena, who transfers faces, colors, environments, places and different cultures into her creations.

These intertwining of experiences, which one carries within, are transformed every day into an almost spasmodic search for new textures and ideas, through which to free one’s creative imagination and shape one’s curiosity.

“A woman in color, with a gypsy soul and Italian elegance”. The style of the brand speaks a Luxury Folk language, which experiments with colors, fluid shapes, contrasting linings, trimmings and prints created  by the Maison, all strictly Made in Italy. I personally take care of every aspect of the brand, which I aim to place in the best stores in Italy and the world.

To this end, I am pleased to send you the latest work relating to F/W 20.

This work tells of a journey in contact with nature, during which the woman who wears MariaelenaSamperi has the opportunity and time to regain possession of herself and the spaces around her.

She is a woman who searches for her essence and feels strong the call of the earth and origins, who dances with the lightness of the wind, letting herself be contaminated by the beauty she encounters along her way.

She is a woman who loves to play with herself through the use of colors and objects that accompany her throughout this journey.

This is a route that has a beginning, but not an end. Because the journey in the company of yourself lasts. 

For more info visit


  1. Livio says:

    Brava Mariaelena! Mi piace la tua creatività! Sei un vanto per il Made in Italy. Keep going like this!!

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