Sveta Kletina

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Sveta Kletina is women footwear designer and an artist.


After being graduated from Bezalel Academy of Art and Design (Jerusalem) and CERCAL (Italy) she worked as a freelance footwear designer in Israel, Russia and Italy. But before 4 years she finally went back to her dream to create handmade shoes, AKA bespoke shoes, that are made to order specially to fit each customer needs.


Since 2009 Sveta Kletina creates her collections under her own label, inspired by form, volume and texture. Her collections are always have an avant garde look and always establish with strong concept and style. In the past two years her collections are created by hand, and very detail oriented.

The shoes are sculpted from vegetable tanned  leather, stylish, edgy but comfortably as this is her commitment to create beautiful, innovative and comfortable shoes.


She also have a blog Making Shoes where she shares  her shoemaking experience  in step by step free video tutorials, as well as in books and guides. She create her shoes in her shoemaking laboratory and you are welcome to visit.







For more info visit


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