Jessica Choay

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Born in Paris, Jessica Choay graduated from the design school IED in Milan in fashion design.


She also did diverse specializations as branding & distribution, image consultant or fashion stylist in order to get an entire view of the fashion world.

As she always has been  passioned  by the art and the entertainment fields, she grew up taking art, dance, acting and singing lessons. She knew quite soon that it would be difficult to choose one of them and decided to create  a lifestyle where she could put every aspect of the art into it.


After her studies she started the project with fashion: Jessica Choay collection.

The brand: 

This woman is mysterious, she is elegant and seductive. There is something about her. She is herself.

JessicaChoay collection is a new way of thinking fashion. Timeless designs unique or just few pieces in oder to make you feel even more unique.


Designs are inspired by pieces of the man wardrobe as they remain time, the have perfect cuts and … because they provide  a great sense of femininity when they accidental get on woman’s body.

The shapes are loose, oversized, but mixed with high quality and floating fabrics, giving a high amount of femininity , seduction but also a felling of lightness as a second skin.

Because what you wear is part of you.


For more info visit


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