Patricia Arango – soul jewel for the modern nomad

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Patricia Arango, a Colombian jewelry designer based in Coral Gables, FL, had a unique upbringing that unconsciously cultivated her sensitivity for fashion and design. Her mother, a trailblazing fashion entrepreneur and antique collector in Medellin during the 1970s, exposed young Patricia to the intricacies of art and design.

In the 1990s, Patricia’s family relocated to Paris, where she immersed herself in the city’s vibrant cultural scene. Taking cooking classes, studying fashion, and connecting with artists in the community of Colombian and American ex-pats expanded her creative horizons. Patricia’s time in Paris also allowed her to explore historic sites, frequent museums, and collect antiques, nurturing her artistic instincts.

The culmination of these formative experiences came in 2001 when Patricia stumbled upon a mesmerizing assortment of coral and turquoise beads in a Miami store. Instantly enchanted, it was as if a spell had been cast upon her, compelling her to return to the store repeatedly, driven by a deep urge to do something with those beads. This marked the beginning of her remarkable design career.

Little by little, Patricia started venturing into the design world, showcasing her work at bazaars and sharing her creations with family and friends. Over the years, her talent and dedication propelled her to sell her jewelry in local stores, gradually expanding her reach throughout the country.

Today, Patricia Arango’s exquisite designs are featured in some of the most exclusive boutiques worldwide, including renowned establishments like Mad Lords in Paris, Comptoir102 in Dubai, Ounass in the UAE, Pitkin County Dry Goods in Aspen, and many others. Her journey is a testament to the transformative power of determination and passion in the pursuit of artistic success.

The energy of stones, gems, metal, silk and leather found in Patricia Arango’s creations connect magical and ancient worlds with reality. Through dreams, jewels evoke mythological creatures and places lost to time.

All of our products are handcrafted in sterling silver, gold and precious and semi-precious stones.

Patricia explains her mission: “Being passionate about antiques, textiles, and jewelry made me aware of the importance of preserving craftsmanship and traditional techniques. When something is crafted by hand, it creates a unique bond with the person who wears it that cannot be replicated. My goal is to support the continuation of artisanal crafts, and every weaving, stone lapidation, and casting contributes to preserving this valuable knowledge for future generations.”

We invite you to join us on this journey of celebrating traditional craftsmanship and embracing the beauty of handmade jewelry.

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