Cristina Adami SS13

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Cristina Adami SS13 collection is mainly inspired by the Ovid Metamorphoses and its mythological tales, linked by the idea of transformation ,where men and women find themselves magically changed into new and sometimes extraordinary beings,  often as a result of love and lust.

With this in mind each outfit relates to a Myth and a Character and how the interaction of humans, nature and time can create unexpected result or even change our perception of colours and shapes.
Therefore fabrics are a mix of pure silks mixed with vintage lace and used fabrics, hand dyed with natural colours and embellished with sequins found along the way…


The YELLOW NET was born out of a vintage curtain found in Paris. The beautiful yellow flowers intertwined with the net, I wrapped it around the body and it soon transformed into a pattern.
“She had hardly ended her prayer when a heavy numbness came over her body; her soft white bosom was ringed in a layer of bark, her hair was turned into foliage, her arms into branches. The feet that had run so nimbly were sunk into sluggish roots; her head was confined in a treetop; and all that remained was her beauty ”.



The ANGEL DRESS is a reflection on love, relationship and entanglement with all the joy and struggle that comes with it.

MEDEA “Desire and reason are pulling in different directions. I see the right way and approve it, but follow the wrong. I am royal; so why should I sigh for a stranger, or ever conceive of a marriage which takes me away from home? Love can be found here too. ”



The GREEN KIMONO refers to the sun reflection walking on grass on a summer breezy day and the feel of wind going through the skin.
“Imagine a ring of grass, well-watered and lush, and a circle of trees for cooling shade in the burning summer sunshine. (…) Thirsty for water, he started to drink, but soon grew thirsty for something else. His being was suddenly overwhelmed by a vision of beauty. He fell in love with an empty hope a shadow mistaken for substance.”


The SHIFT DRESS and the LONG GREEN DRESS were created starting from a vintage piece of tapestry hand dyed with natural colour and let it dry and change the colour in a sunny day, waiting for a result to happen.
“Think how a tract of the sky, when the sun breaks suddenly through at the end of a rain shower, is steeped in the long, great curve of a rainbow; the bow is a gleam with a range of a thousand various hues, but the eye cannot tell where one fades into another; adjacent tones are so much the same, though the difference is clear at the edges. Such were the colours the two contestants used in the fabric.”
The MEDUSA DRESS is inspired by the distortions and reflections of a body immerse in water and how the solid becomes fluid.

“Her limbs grew sodden, her bones started to bend, her nails let go of their firmness. First to melt were her slightest features: the dark green hair, the fingers, the legs and the feet – it doesn’t take ong for the slenderer members to change into waves of chilly liquid. The next to go were her shoulders and back, her sides and her breasts, as they vanished away into insubstantial rivulets. Nothing solid remained, when lastly the lifeblood coursing her weakened veins was taken over by water.”



Photos: Leoni Blue

MUA: Lesley Vye

Styling: Hannah Oakley

Model : Tessa C – First Model Management

 For more info visit


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