The perfect wardrobe

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Probably because of the winter sales or because several mornings I cannot find what I am looking for, so I have decided to organize better my wardrobe.


Closets designed by Poliform

First of all it is important to dust and to aerate the wardrobe regularly, in this way you avoid your clothes to collect extra dust and bad smells (like smoke, perfumes, sweat).

Then another important step is to keep the clothes hung properly and covered. Hangers are very important because if the hanger is not suitable for the clothes it might look awful when you have to wear it.  You can buy quality hangers on where they also suggest which hanger to buy and for which garment to be used.


Not only hangers are important but also storage bags are very useful to protect your clothes from dust especially. The clothes you don’t wear in the current season should be put inside these bags which are made of plastic or breathable cloths and can be bought at the Container store. Also these covers can be reused in case you travel and need to take a suit dress with you – here is one garment cover by Samsonite.


Furthermore don’t forget to brush your clothes especially jackets, blazers and overcoats. A suitable brush (not to choppy which might damage the fabric) should be bought like the one made by Kent. To brush a jacket helps preserve the fabric and extend the lives of your garments.

Kent-brushTo protect your woolen garments and knits, place in the wardrobe lavender sachets – replace them often or use essential oils to reactive the smells, or mothball (naphtaline balls), or cedar blocks. Make sure to remove any stain from them, avoid spraying perfume or cologne on woolen clothes directly.


So once your wardrobe is clean and perfumed, now you have to organize your clothes. Remember that what you don’t see you won’t wear it and in case you don’t have much space in the closet to keep all you clothes in full view, you could divide them in a logical and useful system . For example you can hang all similar clothes close to each other, let’s say shirts, blouses and T-shirts then sweaters, cardigans and knits and so on.

Then you can hang all your belts in a belt rack (see photo here below) so it will be easier to match them with your outfit, same things for scarves – these can be also kept inside a breathable container – and necklaces. I am sure you know how determinant and accessory can be to complete an outfit.


If all these tips are still not enough to declare your wardrobe as a perfect one, you can write down an outfit list – which must be updated often. This list will help you remembering even more all your clothes, create new outfit combinations and realize that some of these garments has never been wore in a whole season.

Same care you reserve to clothes should be given to shoes, bags and jewelry in general. The better you keep you thing, the longer they last.


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