Virginia Preo

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Fin Preo s.r.l. was founded back in 1989  by its creator Barbara Preo. Originally as an hobby to create personalized articles of clothing in cashmere for herself and family, it soon turned into a real profession.

The extraordinary success of her pullovers, received among friends and acquaintances, inspired her to create the first “Virginia Preo Cashmere” woman’s collection based on a few simple models which immediately become a huge hit on the market. It’s the attention to quality both in material chosen as well as its numerous phases of transformations that make these products, using only the best two ply duvet of cashmere, so successful.

Soon what it had been a small woman collection became a much more important ensemble with models for men as well as children debuting also on the international market. The first sales location, The “Virginia Preo Cashmere” boutique, was open in 2003 in Venice, Italy; as the proof of a very well done job over the years. Apart from the outstanding quality of the products, another strong point is the attention to the customer  through a wide range of colors or through custom-made personalized garments.

Barbara’s daughter, who inspired the name of the brand , joined the firm in 2009 . To satisfy the needs of an ever demanding younger clientele as well, the brand made some other innovations and as a result of it the 2010 Spring/Summer Collection was created.

Another important date was in September 2011 with the opening of the second flagship store in the heart of the fashion district in Milan: via della Spiga 50. On the ground floor boutique the protagonist is the raw material of the brand, cashmere,  and on the first floor there is the showroom.

100% Italian made knitwear manufactured exclusively with the best two ply duvet of cashmere, a vast range of available colors, a constant output of new models, and a careful attention to detail make every “Virginia Preo Cashmere” collection unique.

Being dedicated to research of the finest materials as well as the never-ending contemplation of unique models to follow current trends, this is considered “a must” by the management. The possibility to choose from over 80 colors gives the customer the opportunity to personalize the article to his/her liking.


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