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Garnazelle: Her name is intriguing and a bit of an enigma…..

Wild, spicy, with a touch of mystique, and quite unforgettable. It may have a slightly spooky ring to it, yet it belong to the world of fairies.

A tall beauty of a Fairy whose name, chosen by her mother, means “little frog” in a French dialect.

The tiny animal has become her brand logo and a bit of an obsession.

She is a dreamer who has turned her passions into Art, like second skin, or , as she puts it, a natural inclination. With tender care and high sensitivity, she has conjured up an extravagant and romantic world where animal like and plants are intertwined, strangely connected with human life, intimate and comforting, sacred and exuberant, very much her world, and that  of her creations.

Through her work, she is providing expressions of  her love for life, her sensitivity and idealism. Sharing, loving, being generous have become her motto and her philosophy: a piece of jewelry should reflect its designer’s personality, its offbeat attitude, its natural eccentricity, its originality, its character.

She plays and unravels her tale, using the symbolic essence and power of fine and precious stones.

Magician, she takes us through a sophisticated and luxurious kingdom: no wonder what she calls her pieces: Love Circle, Twin World, Life Joy, Mysterious, or Scarlett…names brimming with symbolic reverberation.

At first sight Her spectacular and unique pieces have a fetish quality: protect and be with us always, talismans of many colors, shaped to convey opulence, attraction, lavishness.  A world of divine proportions, where adornment swings with dare and lightness, to put us in rapture.

There, in this very temple, Garnazelle is putting the finishing touch to a display of magnificence: rings, earrings, and bracelets. A golden shrine, in brown and black, warm, comfortable and cheerful. A tiny baroque paradise at the heart of the new Parisian golden triangle to create desire and yearning throughout our senses.

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