Sartoria Fiorella

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Made to measure, bespoke dresses, tailoring are words very little used in these past years, probably these words are related more to men’s fashion other than women. This is not the case because this post is dedicated to a woman who in the 1987 at the age of 18 years old opened her sartoria (tailor shop) to realize her fashion dream.

Fiorella started to work for tailors when she was 14 and this is where she learnt not only to design a dress but above all how to cut, to sew, to hem a dress.

There are other 6 women working and helping her out and for this reason she set up in her atelier a baby sitting and shopping service: this attention to the women’s world earned her an award ” Premio valore artigiano Regione Marche”.

Her tailoring studio creates not only dresses, but also bridal dresses, lingerie, home accessories, bijoux, outwear, clothing for the gym.


Even if the atelier is in the Marche region, Fiorella’s creations are known all over Italy thanks also to her friend Gina who runs a famous  hairdresser shop in Milan and invited her  to promote her garments and since 2010 Fiorella has opened a shop in Milan too.

Fiorella is not only a tailor but from this month she will start teaching “Discipline della tecnica sartoriale” at Urbino college: her knowledge and above all her passion for this job will be taught to 50 students. Then in November she will also teach at the Centro Design di Poliarte in Ancora.

Another dream Fiorella has is to open a craft school to teach modeling, trimming, sewing to young people so that this kind of crafting wont disappear completely.

Fiorella’s bijoux are made with buttons: a simple accessory for the dress becomes an elegant gem for this incredible and limited pieces necklaces.




For more info visit 


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