Florian Jayet

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Born and raised in France, Florian Jayet was profoundly influenced by his grandmother who worked as a tailor and pattern cutter. At the age of 22 Jayet studied a course at Esimode in Fashion and Design and produced a final show influenced by the model Betty page. The choice of such a voluptuous and gregarious muse reveals how Jayet values and accentuates the female form through his designs. His clothes transform the women that wear them and his new collection has been created with this intention.

Infusing concepts and gathering inspirations from experience in textiles, tailoring, photography and art Jayet developed a collection that landed him an internship with Alexander Mc Queen, a man whose vision and ideas complemented Jayet’s aesthetic perfectly.

For more info visit www.fashionmode.co.uk/portfolio-item/florian-jayet-2



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