My first post

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This is my first blog and I am excited about it. It took  me while to decide whether to have it or not but then I said to myself, why not? When I was a little girl I used to have my diary with the lock where I kept all my thoughts now I have a blog.

The name of the blog is ITALIANIST because I am Italian and since one of the main subject of this blog will be fashion, shoes etc etc, Italy is the country of “la moda” and of Made in Italy.

For sure I will travel with my imagination from one side of the world to the other because as much as I love fashion, I love traveling even more.

The blog will talk about fashion, art, travels, nature, environment and much more. I think all these topics are related one to another: when I travel, I shop, I visit art exhibitions, I enjoy new landscapes, new city views and I try to respect  the environment.

So let’s blog!


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