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The London based Eshvi was founded on the desire to create strong statement jewellery with a distinct style and feminine touch. Gisele Ganne (formerly head of silver design at Stephen

Sophie Bille Brahe

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Sophie Bille Brahe started her namesake company almost without noticing it. After finish- ing a masters in design at the Royal College of Art in London, Sophie assumed she would


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Per una donna dinamica e sensuale che ama mostrare la sua femminilità a 360 gradi. I baciamano di Kurshuni sono simbolo di eleganza trasversale senza età e senza tempo in


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La magie douce des bijoux Fondée en 2007 par Sophie Bennani Pendleton, créatrice de bijoux. Symboles, mots doux, incantations, la philosophie de la marque repose sur l’intention d’amener un bien